Moo Change Please by artist Lin Bo
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Enjoy a one of a kind gallery piece created by esteemed Chinese artist and activist Lin Bo. Excerpt from his talk at the Intiman Theatre in March, 2019;

"In China it is not too easy to say you are an artist. Take myself as an example. I was imprisoned in a Chinese Detention Center for two years... because of a single work of art.  I will first try to say a few words about Chinese contemporary art. I say “try” because when I think about the China contemporary art scene, I cannot seem to see it clearly. What was contemporary for me three years ago will not be contemporary now, and in China, three years may render any community unrecognizable. This... fluidness... will be familiar to anyone who knows modern China. In Beijing the most distinctive landscape feature is the construction site. Buildings are erected at the same rate they are demolished. A site of rubble represents something coming up or going down, or maybe both. It is the cycle of life and death compressed.


I took in this fluidness around me and decided to create a transient art that reflected it. I painted calligraphy on buildings scheduled to be destroyed. I made sculptures from found objects in busy urban centers. If there was flux I wanted to move with it. If things were destroyed, I would be the one to set in motion their destruction. I did not document any of it. They were to disappear completely."

Note: Lin Bo is portrayed by actor Justin Huertas in the play CAUGHT written by Christopher Chen and directed by Desdemona Chiang. Desdemona wanted one lucky patron to have the opportunity to take a piece of the show home with them. The piece was truthfully crafted by Intiman staff.